Immerse yourself in the secure and restorative cocoon of our peaceful wellness space.
More than a mere massage, your time here is a sensory event that takes the whole you into consideration.
And you're in safe, experienced hands.
Much of what we say is not through the words we speak. As a gifted musician, our knowledgeable massage therapist has a unique and intuitive ability to read and interpret potential problem areas.
Combining this sensitivity with strength ensures a truly bespoke and transformational experience.
We are happy to listen to you and your needs. While we are always willing to suggest how we can help, ultimately you know yourself best. Collaborative and honest communication underpins our ethos.
Long-term, regular massage can prevent and heal many mental, physical, and emotional issues. Together, we will plan the best way of scheduling a regenerative treatment plan that works for you.
Deep tissue massage reaches deeper layers of muscles by applying strong pressure to muscles and tendons. It is used to break down knots and relieve pressure points throughout the body.
This massage particularly benefits athletes and those who sit for long periods of time.
Swedish massage relaxes muscle tension and increases circulation, improving flexibility and blood oxygen levels. It is a classic form of massage employing gentle stroking, kneading, rubbing, tapping, and vibration of affected areas.